Our Services
All of our services may be requested by using the button below, except for ultrasound requests, which may be made by calling (915) 703-3001.
All services are free and confidential.
Pregnancy Test
Our urine pregnancy tests are laboratory grade and a nurse will administer the test for you. We adhere to strict confidentiality.
Our limited ultrasound is available for women up to 20 weeks pregnant for confirmation of pregnancy. All ultrasound appointments must be requested by calling (915) 703-3001.
For more information, use the link below.
Baby Boutique
Infant supplies and maternity clothing are available for families in need. Diapers, wipes, formula, clothing, and more.
Pregnancy Options Advice
Talk to someone who will listen to you and provide facts about all of your options. We will maintain total privacy and promise to listen to you without any judgment.
Post Abortion Support
Speak to a caring staff member or make an appointment with a professional counselor about your abortion experience. We offer a safe and confidential environment to help you recover through your emotions. We also provide guidance in finding peace and closure.
Abortion Pill Reversal
If you have taken the first dose of the abortion pill and have changed your mind, it may not be too late to save your pregnancy. We will connect you with a medical professional who can provide guidance towards potentially reversing the effects of the abortion pill. Time is essential - please call us at (915) 703-3001 or the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline at (877) 558-0333. Use the link below for more information
Classes, Coaching, & Counseling
We offer many resources to help you through your pregnancy and parenting journey. Current classes include Infant Care and Basic First Aid, Pregnancy Nutrition, and Resume and Interview. Classes are scheduled in a group setting, taught by a knowledgeable professional and offered throughout the year. Coaching is available for pregnancy nutrition and breastfeeding. We also offer professional counseling.
Adoption Advice
Let us help you explore your options as well as provide resources for you when considering adoption.
Texas Benefits Assistance
If you are in need of help in applying for benefits such as WIC, SNAP, CHP, and Medicaid, our Texas Benefits navigator can assist you. Please request an appointment and our navigator will guide you in your application.
For Men
Are you a young dad who is expecting or already has a child? Wanting to be a great father but wondering what to do next? We can help connect you with other men in your situation as well as experienced men who can guide your journey.
Learn more about our Uplifted Men's Group.
Westside Christian Counseling
Connect with a biblical counselor or a licensed therapist to walk you through your situation.